Media Education Hub (MEH) is a leading unit for education and research with over twenty years of experience of carrying out interdisciplinary research projects and developing educational models for different contexts.
Our task is to teach media and digital technology major, and to carry out research and development projects in the field. Our research and development work draws upon multiple disciplines. Teaching in our major subject studies is research-based; this characteristic is common to the degree programmes of the Faculty of Education.
We collaborate with educational institutions across different levels of education, and practice regional, national and cross-border cooperation with businesses and communities. Our international partners include, for example, Stanford University (California, USA), Mercer University (Atlanta, USA), University of Parma (Italy), Catholic University of Milan (Italy), University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria) and The Education University of Hong Kong.
Since 2005, we have organized the biennial MEC (former NBE) conference. MEC is an informal and friendly conference, which
participants attend to exchange ideas and information dealing with media
education, educational use of ICTs and learning environments.