The studies Philosophy of research and research skills – or more informally joint studies – are open to all ULapland doctoral researchers and constitute a part of the doctoral degree. Joint studies provide doctoral researchers with a possibility to building their expertise towards independently and critically applying research methods in creating new academic information. These courses are also opportunities for doctoral researchers to build their expertise further in other ways required of a researcher's set of high-level skills.
Joint studies are divided into four modules:
1. Critical thinking and argumentation
2. Research methods
3. Orientation and researcher's skills
4. Ethics.
Kindly note that you should take courses from each module, and the required number of study credits for each module is flexible. In other words, we do not require you to take a particular number of credits in each module but require that you take and complete something from each module, thus building your expertise further to a suitable direction in your situation. Doctoral researchers who have begun their doctoral studies earlier than 1 August 2021 can flexibly shift into the new structure due to its flexibility.
One module can have a selection of many courses to choose from or only a couple of options. The modules focus on themes, but courses from different modules can discuss or contain references to the same themes. There is no specific order in which courses should be taken, but individual courses can have recommendations about previous studies. There are courses both in autumn and spring terms in all modules.
We aim to have courses both in English and Finnish. The course description on Peppi is presented in the language of the course. If the course is implemented in both English and Finnish, the description is available in both languages.
Read the course descriptions and register for the courses on Peppi.
Kindly note the following: if you have registered for a course but find out that you cannot make it, please remember to cancel your registration.